From the Book - North American edition.
King Noble the lion assembles his subjects at Whitsun --
Isegrim the wolf complains of Reynard the Fox --
Chanticleer the rooster mourns for his daughter Scratchyclaw, the best of all egg-laying hens --
Pardel the panther and Lampe the hare --
Grimbert the badger defends Reynard --
The story of the fishmonger --
Bruin the bear in the honey-trap --
Greedymind complains of Reynard --
Reynard teaches Greedymind to fish --
Tybalt the cat won't leave the mice alone, and regrets it bitterly --
Grimbert offers to bring Reynard to court --
Grimbert brings Reynard to court --
The tale of the price of a foal --