From the Book - Second edition.
Why should I be interested? --
Family comparison charts --
How to use this field guide --
Web hunting species. Pholcidae (cellar spiders) ; Theridiidae (cobweb weavers) ; Dictynidae (meshweb weavers) ; Linyphiidae (sheetweb weavers) ; Agelenidae (funnel weavers) ; Amaurobiidae (hackledmesh weavers) ; Hahniidae (dwarf sheet spiders) ; Araneidae (orbweavers) ; Tetragnathidae (longjawed orbweavers) ; Theridiosomatidae (ray orbweavers) ; Uloboridae (cribellate orbweavers) --
Stalk & ambush species. Pisauridae (nursery web spiders) ; Lycosidae (wolf spiders) ; Gnaphosidae (ground spiders) ; Clubionidae (sac spiders) ; Miturgidae (prowling spiders) ; Corinnidae (antmimic spiders) ; Anyphaenidae (ghost spiders) ; Oxyopidae (lynx spiders) ; Thomsidae (crab spiders) ; Philodromidae (running crab spiders) ; Salticidae (jumping spiders) ; Dysderidae (woodlouse spiders) ; Scytodidae (spitting spiders) ; Poisonous spiders in the North?