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"When Aaron and Kaleena Amuchastegui took their kids out of school to travel the globe and educate them through experiences, their children became more engaged, self-aware, curious, and passionate about learning. Now, they share their inspiring successes and practical advice to give you the tools you need to create your own unconventional education plan, no matter what your budget, walking you through topics like: Teaching kids to love learning; Providing...
With so many discussions and theories on reading and how children learn to read, it can be very confusing for parents to know the best way to get their kids to read. In Raising a Reader, Bonnie Schwartz lays out simple, researched and practice proven approaches that a parent can do to promote literacy in the home and encourage children to explore the great adventures to be found in books. The first step in fostering literacy and good reading...
Esther Wojcicki—Woj to her many friends and admirers—is famous for three things: teaching a high school class that has changed the lives of thousands of kids, inspiring Silicon Valley legends like Steve Jobs, and raising three daughters who have each become famously successful. What do these three accomplishments have in common? They’re the result of TRICK, Woj’s secret to raising successful people: Trust, Respect, Independence, Collaboration,...
"Allow your children to experience the adventure, freedom, and wonder of childhood with this practical guide that provides all the information, inspiration, and advice you need for creating a modern, quality homeschool education. Inspired by the spirit of Henry David Thoreau—”All good things are wild and free”—mother of five Ainsley Arment founded Wild + Free. This growing online community of mothers and families want their children to receive...
El libro aborda la relación entre la escuela y la familia en tanto instituciones sociales que comparten la misión de acompañar y generar aprendizajes en las nuevas generaciones. Los sujetos de la educación están en la intersección de ambas: son los hijos/as para una, y alumnos/as para la otra.
Hasta hace pocos años, las familias contaban con elementos de solidez propios, que les permitían acompañar a sus hijos a través de la escolaridad....
11) Daddy Loves You
Clint Arthur wrote and illustrated "Daddy Loves You" as a Christmas present for his 2-year-old daughter. It went on to become a cherished staple of their nightly bedtime-story-reading sessions for years, along with Goodnight Moon, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Goodnight Gorilla, and others of the genre.
He wrote the book because, as a single father, Clint wanted his daughter to know that his love for her was constant, even if he couldn't be with her...
With the National PTAs Standard for School-Family-Community Partnership as a framework, this guide offers advice for resolving common points of contention between parents and teachers, such as the most productive use of a parent teacher conferences, the best at-home environment for doing homework, the helpfulness of parental rewards for classroom performance, and a teachers role in supporting a student with an at-home crisis. This solution manual...
¿Por qué algunos padres y madres se sienten inseguros ante la responsabilidad de educar a sus hijos? ¿Tienen dudas sobre qué enseñarles, qué valores transmitir o qué pueden exigirles según su edad y grado de madurez? ¿O quizás creen que la sociedad espera de ellos que sean unos padres perfectos?
La psicóloga Mª Jesús Comellas se propone devolver la confianza a padres y madres y lo hace a partir de una tesis bien simple: educamos a cada...
Exchange to Engage will inspire and teach how to organize weekly language exchanges at your school or community group. Practice Spanish and English in a fun, safe and positive atmosphere. With the guide, you can promote bilingualism, increase family involvement, and improve communication within your community. The book tells the story of the first school-based language exchange and positive results. Relationships, language skills, and opportunities...
Tras el gran éxito de "Cuentos sanadores" (ING Edicions, 2016), Susan Perrow presenta "101 cuentos sanadores". 101 cuentos organizados por categorías, según el tipo de comportamiento, a fin de facilitar su consulta. Además de los temas más comunes (el enfado, la agresividad, la timidez, cómo acompañar la muerte o la enfermedad, la queja, la falta de confianza, etc.), esta recopilación incluye cuentos para trabajar situaciones tan comunes en...
Para los padres que claman por soluciones claras... y ¡al grano!, Rosa Barocio nos ofrece un libro único con ayudas prácticas para situaciones que son “el pan de todos los días”. Señala actitudes que lastiman y muestra nuevas maneras respetuosas para poner límites y orientar desde un acercamiento amoroso.
Being a responsible parent and raising children in today's world is no easy walk in the park. Some parents, guardians, families and caretakers from all walk-of-life are finding it challenging to raise their children in today's world. In communities across the country, the "village" that it takes to raise a child is broken! So how can a broken village help parents to raise their children?
Through this eye opening, personal account of an entire documented...
Aujourd'hui, il est facile de mal traiter nos enfants. La nouvelle race d'êtres humains que nous avons mise au monde souffre de toutes sortes de maux que l'on camoufle derrière des étiquettes et par la prise de médicaments. On ne protège plus nos enfants contre les principaux responsables de leur maltraitance : les jeux vidéos qui abrutissent nos garçons, la malbouffe, la garde partagée pour les petits, la césarienne sur demande comme moyen...
This book is brought about by thirty-eight years of classroom experience. It is imperative to form relationships with the families of our students. This will give the future generation the best possible opportunities, moving forward. Who knows our students best? Their families! We need to partner with our families to provide the best possible education for each student, based on their unique learning needs.
20) Bebê Inteligente
Você sabia que a fase do nascimento aos 8 anos e, especialmente, do nascimento aos 3 anos, é um período crítico para o desenvolvimento cerebral do bebê? Este é o momento ideal para as crianças aprenderem. 'Bebê Inteligente' orienta você a como ensinar seu bebê e filhos em idade pré-escolar a ler usando experiências de linguagem a partir de jogos de cartões. Você também aprenderá várias formas de ensinar conceitos iniciais de matemática...
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