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"Paying a professional to prune your trees and shrubs is an unnecessary expense. You can tackle most trees and shrubs on your own, and Pruning Simplified shows you exactly how to do it. This useful guide offers expert advice on the best tools for the job, specific details on when to prune, and clear instructions on how to prune. Profiles of the 50 most popular trees and shrubs— including azaleas, camellias, clematis, hydrangeas, and more— include...
"Landscape professionals regard trees, shrubs, and hedges as the essential framework of any landscape design. The trick is to select the best plants for your growing conditions and plants that also look good together. Trees, Shrubs & Hedges for Your a comprehensive guide that will show you how to achieve a beautiful landscape, while also providing descriptions for over 1,000 of the best plants that are beautiful, low-maintenance, pest- and...
"This comprehensive collection of practical tips covers all aspects of gardening, from flowers and houseplants to planting shrubs, vegetables, herbs, and trees. In addition, find advice for dealing with pests, learning about the tools that make your life much easier, and find valuable ways to avoid the aches and pains that often go along with the hard work of gardening. Woven throughout are poems and proverbs, legends and lore, making this an enjoyable...
"Finally, a book just about mopheads, the most-popular hydrangeas for home gardeners. A 2021 study by the University of Tennessee Extension Service estimates more than 10 million hydrangeas are sold in the US each year. Mopheads are far and away the hydrangeas in greatest demand,accounting for 90% of sales. New mophead varieties flood the market every year. It’s hard to keeptrack of them all, let alone choose the perfect one(s) for the homegarden....
Un libro ilustrado en el que encontrará todo lo que necesita saber sobre las diferentes especies que se pueden ver habitualmente en jardines, parques y avenidas del sur de Europa. Toda la información sobre su origen, hábitat, morfología y cultivo, que comprende consejos sobre el tipo de suelo más adecuado, cómo realizar la poda y el trasplante, plagas y enfermedades más frecuentes, etc. Además, la obra incluye unas valiosas tablas donde se...
Este libro no pretende ser un censo de todas las plantas aromáticas existentes. Se ha realizado una selección de veinticinco especies, las suficientes para que disfruten las papilas gustativas. Más vale entregarse al cultivo de pocas especies y conocer a la perfección sus exigencias, pues como dice el refrán, «quien mucho abarca, poco aprieta». Para iniciarse en un primer año de cultivo, existe libertad a la hora de elegir las plantas que...
This beautifully illustrated book on landscape gardening addresses shrubs and how to determine which you should plant among your perennials and where. Shrubs provide the foundation for a pleasing, yet low-maintenance garden. They are long-lived, have the ornamental appeal of perennials, and provide variety in color, size, shape, and texture, as well as shelter and berries for birds. Shrubs can make attractive arrangements indoors and provide seasonal...
This 'Easy Growing, the Plant Growers Handbook: Growing Made Simple' takes the mystery out of growing all plants successfully. It will overnight make you an expert on what plants grow best in whatever conditions you might find. It will make your 'easy growing' gardening experience enjoyable and very worthwhile. Take your time and read through it as there is invaluable information in every section.Each chapter of this plant grower's handbook provides...
Si le gustan las plantas tapizantes y las coníferas enanas, en este libro encontrará las nociones fundamentales para escoger las mejores plantas y utilizarlas en parterres y borduras. Una guía práctica para aplicar los cuidados de cultivo que estas plantas necesitan: la plantación, los riegos, las fertilizaciones, las podas... Una serie de útiles consejos para el diseño y la disposición de las plantas en los jardines. Todas las sugerencias...
The new Kew guide to planting and cultivating shrubs features 12 easy and inspiring projects as well as detailed information on 50 of the most important specimens to grow, all accompanied by Kew's beautiful botanical illustrations.
Shrubs are the perfect plant-they are low-maintenance, there is a variety for nearly every need and they are widely available.
This guide is a perfect mix of practical gardening reference for the entry level enthusiast...
"Essential Native Trees and Shrubs is a valuable resource for gardeners, landscape architects, and other designers interested in creating sustainable and attractive landscapes. Appreciation for native plants and sustainability has grown as natural lands become more fragmented. Some plant communities, along with related animal species, are endangered and even face extinction. Native plants are the keystones for these communities, inviting in beneficial...
Hardy Perennials and Old-Fashioned Garden Flowers is a vintage guide to gardening, focusing on planting and maintaining long-lasting and temperature-resistant plants and shrubs. It deals with a large range of different varieties, providing descriptions, instruction, and other notable information for each treated. Clearly written and full of invaluable tips, this volume will be of utility to anyone with a practical interest in gardening.
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